Amy Peters Wood Maine Artist


Cell: 1-207-837-4832
facebook: amypeterswoodartist
Instagram: #apwoodart
I apologize ahead of time, for being hard to reach. I spend a lot of time in wilderness areas where there is no cell phone coverage. The best way to get hold of me if you are interested in my art or have questions, is through email.
It is difficult setting up an online store when my art (and me) move around so much. If my paintings are at a gallery, most of the time they will have an online purchase option and I can send you a link if you are interested.
I will also be setting up an Instagram store to sell original watercolors at affordable rates for new art collectors. These are going to be relatively small travel sketches and will be arriving to your door through the US postal service.
Please follow me on Instagram @apwoodart for up-to-date news and links.